10 Tips for Healthy iPad Use for Kids

Here are 10 Tips for Healthy iPad Use for Kids:

  • Designate media-free times together
  • Be clear regarding expectations and consequences
  • Be consistent
  • Always charge the devices in a common space
  • Turn off screens at least 1 hour before bed
  • Choose apps that are educational and fun
  • Model Healthy Use Of Electronic Devices in Front Of Your Kids
  • Have a screen-free day
  • Keeping your child safe – with apps or other ways to monitor your child device
  • Educate yourself and your kids
Want to learn more about Janell's tips? Tune in to a sound bite from her blog post and click the link below to read more.
"We have talked a lot about healthy iPad use for kids – but it’s also important for you to protect your iPad. We have been using a Rug-Ed! case for several months and it has protected our iPad from breaking. My kids tend to drop the iPad and this case is very dependable!  I don’t have to worry about them denting the iPad or cracking the screen. Plus it’s tamper-resistant! There is no way your kids can remove this case without your help!"
Read the Full Article here: https://www.savingyoudinero.com/2020/03/13/10-tips-for-healthy-ipad-use-for-kids/



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