What to Keep from Remote Teaching and Learning

In collaboration with Elisabeth Bostwick, a multi-award-winning educator and author of Take the L.E.A.P.: Ignite a Culture of Innovation and co-author of Education Write Now, Volume II: Top Strategies for Improving Relationships and Culture, Rug-Ed Products is excited to share our latest blog post inspiring educators to reflect upon the past year, evaluate what to keep from remote teaching and learning, and step into the next school year with a deeper insight to effective strategies that'll continue to engage and empower all learners to maximize growth. 

"During the pandemic, we had no other choice than to shift how we facilitate and engage in learning. Sure, it was stressful, exhausting, and overwhelming, but educators everywhere did what they had to do to ensure students received what they needed. We’ve learned what works, what didn’t work, and what we would do differently throughout this time. 

As an instructional coach and technology integration specialist, it was a busy experience supporting educators as they moved to remote teaching and learning beginning in March 2020. Educators in all roles had no other choice than to embrace technology, and through this experience, we’ve learned how valuable technology truly is. 

Although many schools are now in a hybrid or in-person teaching model, it’s beneficial to explore what we will keep from our experience of teaching and learning remotely during a pandemic. As both an educator and parent, I was fortunate to see what was helpful through both lenses..."


Read the full article here: https://elisabethbostwick.com/2021/05/21/what-to-keep-from-remote-teaching-and-learning/