Rug-Ed Travel Blog: Naomi Meredith

Rug-Ed Travel Blog: Naomi Meredith
STEM Educator and #RugEdClassroom alum Naomi Meredith recently took over Rug-Ed's IG from InnEdCO in Breckenridge, Colorado. You can watch here!We caught up with her post-trip on the takeaways from the InnEdCo, her travel style, and advice for teachers interested in attending or presenting at conferences. Q. What's your travel style? --...

New Year, New Me: 5 Elementary Classroom Tech Tips

New Year, New Me: 5 Elementary Classroom Tech Tips
Welcome to the new year! As a teacher, this is a great opportunity to try new-to-you technology tools in the elementary classroom. Likewise, these tips and routines can build a foundation that will help strengthen future projects and create new experiences for your students. #1-Color Coding When implementing technology in...

Summer Tech: Best Online Applications For Your iPad

Summer Tech: Best Online Applications For Your iPad
Technology has grown rapidly over the last 10 years or so, that is no secret. However, what we can do with that technology to benefit our own, everyday lives is something that hasn't been quite as easy to decipher as there are just so many options, it’s easy to get...

6 Tech Tips for Distance Learning

6 Tech Tips for Distance Learning
We have partnered with first grade teacher and founder of Krafty in Kinder blog, Tiffany Niotis, to bring 6 of her favorite ways to stay organized during distance learning this year. Continue to read to learn more about what tech tips she has for our teachers and how they can...