In collaboration with Elisabeth Bostwick, a multi-award-winning educator and author of Take the L.E.A.P.: Ignite a Culture of Innovation and co-author of Education Write Now, Volume II: Top Strategies for Improving Relationships and Culture, Rug-Ed Products is excited to share our latest blog post inspiring educators on inspiring young learners to take their learning on-the-go with technology!
"With all of the activity that occurs throughout the day in our classroom as we explore, create, and make within all areas of learning, it’s essential that our technology is protected to the fullest extent. As active participants, students leverage technology in meaningful ways by developing videos to capture their learning and then editing accordingly to share the best version of their final product. Additionally, as we deepen our understanding through STEAM exploration, learners capture moments to share out on Seesaw and collaborate in Google Classroom. It’s not uncommon to see children who are jumping with excitement to learn that their code for Sphero did just as they had planned or students pairing Sam Labs with the Bluetooth of an iPad to create ‘curious cars’ that they can remotely drive around the room. All of these dynamic experiences require learners to be on the go – with technology in tow!
Fortunately, our classroom is equipped with Rug-Ed ProLOCK iPad cases that allow learners to maneuver their technology as they see fit, throughout the school day. Not only are our Rug-Ed cases designed with a handle for easy manipulation, but there is also a pop-up stand that meets the needs of learners who require the iPad to be in an upright, more stationary position. The stand has been favored by learners who are creating Slides for presentations in Google, developing their writing, and using various apps to demonstrate how to solve math problems interactively and engagingly..."
Read the full article here: